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Christmas Tree Contest


Friendly reminder from Mayor Sheila: If you'd like to decorate a tree at the Senior Center for all to enjoy the Day of Santa's visit (Dec 7) and throughout December, you still have until Friday December 6

The City of Leonard is giving families the opportunity to share some quality time to decorate a Christmas tree at the Senior Center starting November 22 to Dec 6. These trees will be left decorated at the Senior
Center for the month of December for all to enjoy and to be judged by the public for creativity. The cityhas a few artificial trees, so if you don’t have one, no worries. Contact Sheila at 701-630-3502.

1. Your family provides their own materials for the theme they plan.
2. Pick a day and time to come to Senior Center to decorate.
3. AND share ideas and laughs with each other. Most important make memories!!

1st prize winner on creativity. Winner wins bragging rights! Also, will need to accept rematch challenge for 2025 Tree Contest.
There will be a table set up for ages 0 thru 120 years old to come in and write letters to Santa and enjoy some hot cocoa throughout the month of December.